
In OpenQL, the term “resources” is reserved for scheduling resources. Conceptually, a resource models a physical thing that prevents two instructions from executing simulaneously due to resource contention, but ultimately it can be anything that prevents an instruction from starting in a particular cycle.


Resources can be used by various passes that somehow relate to scheduling, so they are not an OpenQL-wide thing. Because of how fundamental they are, they received their own namespaces and management logic, not unlike the pass manager and pass namespaces. In fact, much of what applies for passes also applies for resources.

Resource classes

Resource instances are represented by a class that (ultimately) derives from ql::rmgr::resource_types::Base. Unlike their pass equivalent, resource classes normally derive from this directly. Like passes, there is no associated object for a resource type; rather, the C++ type itself is used for the resource type, so in principle you only have to implement one class to define a new resource type.

Resource classes override the following methods to define their functionality:

  • on_dump_docs(...): a dump function that writes the documentation for the resource type. This must not depend on its JSON configuration; it is only called on “virgin” objects (unfortunately, there is no such thing as overriding static methods in C++).

  • on_dump_config(...): a dump function that prints the configuration of the resource in a user-friendly way.

  • on_dump_state(...): a dump function that prints the current state of the resource, mid-scheduling.

  • get_friendly_name(): used by the documentation generation logic to get a user-friendly name for the resource, to use as section header.

  • on_initialize(): used to initialize the state of the resource for a particular scheduling direction.

  • on_gate(): used to test or update the state during scheduling. Its arguments include a gate reference, the desired start cycle for the gate, and whether to update the state to reflect that the given gate has actually been scheduled in that cycle.

The semantics of on_gate() should be as follows:

  • If the given gate can not be scheduled in the given cycle and commit is false, return false.

  • If the given gate can not be scheduled in the given cycle and commit is true, throw an exception.

  • If the given gate can be scheduled in the given cycle and commit is false, return true.

  • If the given gate can be scheduled in the given cycle and commit is true, update the resource state accordingly and return true.

Resource class instances must be copy-constructable, in such a way that the actual state of the resource is appropriately copied. This is to allow recursive-descent scheduling algorithms that try different solutions to be created with them. Ideally, configuration data should not be copied to save space and increase performance of the copy operation; it’s advisable to store configuration data in a separate structure and embed it into the resource class via a utils::Ptr<>.

Depending on the direction argument passed to on_initialize(), resources may assume that cycle numbers are non-decreasing or non-increasing. This often allows old state information to be deleted, thus further reducing the overhead of recursive-descent algorithms.

The resource factory

For a resource type to be usable within the platform configuration file, its class must be registered with the resource factory (ql::rmgr::Factory). Registration happens in the default constructor of the class. For example, this constructor currently contains the following line, among others like it:


The template argument (typedefs to) the resource class, while the string argument defines its externally-usable type name.


The C++ namespace path and externally-usable type name path should be kept in sync! Please avoid using differing naming conventions for the two. If needed for backward compatibility, different aliases can be made for the same resource type, but the complement of the C++ name should also be usable as a resource type within the platform.


The capitalization of the resource types is chosen such to be as familiar as possible to Python users: the last entry represents a class, while the remaining period-separated entries represent module names. In C++ it works the same, except that resources have their own namespace in addition, so you end up with ...::name::Resource rather than ...::Name. Note however that the CC-light resource types use lowercase names for backward compatibility.

After default-construction, the Factory object will be “configured” by the resource manager. During configuration, aliases are added for the architecture-specific resources of the selected architecture, preventing the user from having to explicitly prefix these resources using arch.<arch-name>.. This mechanism also allows an architecture to override the implementation of a generic resource if it needs to, without breaking backward compatibility, as architecture-specific resources take precedence over generic resources when these aliases are created. Aliases may also be generated for “dnu” (do-not-use) resources that are explicitly requested by the user.

The resource manager

Resource instances are bundled together by the resource manager (ql::rmgr::Manager), stored as part of the platform structures. The resource manager is not much more than a wrapper around a list of resources, the JSON loading logic to create this list, and boilerplate code for documentation generation stuff. Once the list of resources is complete, schedulers can use its build() method to construct a clean ql::rmgr::State object.

The state object

The state object, like the resource manager, is just a wrapper around a list of resources. It differs in where it’s used: the state object tracks the state of all the resources during scheduling, while the resource manager is conceptually just a builder for that state. The state object presents the following interface to scheduling algorithms:

  • available(): used to query whether a gate can be scheduled in a particular cycle (it calls on_gate() for all resources with commit set to false, returning true only if all resources returned true);

  • reserve(): used to update the state to reflect that the given gate is scheduled in the given cycle; and

  • the copy constructor/copy assignment operator: to allow a state to be copied for recursive-descent scheduling algorithms.

Adding a new resource

Having read the above, adding a new resource should be a fairly straightforward process. Nevertheless, here’s a checklist that should handle the common cases.

  • Figure out what you want to call the resource, keeping in mind the naming conventions.

  • Create a source file for the resource corresponding to the resource type you settled on in src/ql/resource, and an accompanying header file in include/ql/resource. It’s probably easiest to copypaste the contents from an existing resource.

  • Implement the documentation generation functions. If you can’t be bothered to put anything useful there until you’re done with the implementation yet then that’s on you, but at least put a one-liner placeholder there. Don’t just copypaste the documentation of another pass!

  • Put an appropriate placeholders in on_initialize() and on_gate(), such as QL_ICE("not yet implemented").

  • Register your resource with the resource factory by adding it to its default constructor.

  • At this point, you should have everything needed for the user to be able to add the resource to the platform configuration file, and for the documentation generation system to detect and add it.

  • Actually implement and document the resource. Unlike for passes, any state tracked by the resource must be part of the resource object, and the implementation of the resource is usually (at least for the existing resources) not so complicated that it warrants its own detail namespace or even types and functions outside of the resource class, but of course you’re free to make one anyway as per the naming conventions if you prefer.