Intermediate representation

The IR is the most important data structure of any compiler. It must be able to encapsulate any program that can be compiled, during any compilation stage. The compiler passes can then be defined to just be transformations on this IR structure.

Compilers sometimes have multiple IR structures that they switch between at certain points in the compilation process. This is not the case for OpenQL: there is only one IR structure that all passes must operate on, though it’s of course legal for a pass to temporarily build its own private structures, which may be especially important for complex code generation passes. Noteworthy for OpenQL however, is that the platform (a.k.a. target in many other compilers) is part of the IR structure in OpenQL: it shouldn’t be modified by any passes, but it lives in the same tree structure for reasons we’ll get back to in a few paragraphs.

The old IR

Despite only having a single logical IR, OpenQL is currently schizophrenic about its IR in its own way: at some point a new IR (ql::ir) was developed to replace the old one (now in ql::ir::compat, previously ql::ir and ql::plat), but not all passes have been converted to use the new IR yet. Thus, for any pass that hasn’t been converted yet, the pass management logic first converts the new IR to the old one, then runs the legacy pass implementation, and then converts back to the new IR. This process is usually transparant, but there are a few gotchas:

  • kernel names may change in some cases due to name uniquification logic;

  • annotations placed on nodes other than the program, a kernel, or a gate will be lost;

  • any new-to-old conversion implicitly runs all legacy gate decompositions; and

  • obviously, any features supported by the new IR but not by the old IR will result in compatibility errors during the new-to-old conversion.

Unfortunately, even when all passes have been converted, the old IR cannot be removed, because it is highly intertwined with the Python/C++ APIs for program construction (primarily, adding gates to a kernel immediately applies decomposition rules, which have a bunch of oddities that a reimplementation probably wouldn’t be able to mimic exactly). Thus, as long as we need to maintain compatibility with old OpenQL programs, we’ll be stuck with it. However, the intention is to use the old IR exclusively within the API in the future, run the (only) old-to-new conversion in program.compile()/compiler.compile() just before calling the pass manager, and remove the new-to-old conversion logic.

The platform construction logic is similarly difficult, partly because the old platform construction logic needs to be maintained because of the above, and partly because the platform construction logic is very intertwined with the old IR and operations on it. Thus, the platform side of the old-to-new conversion will also remain relevant. In fact, this conversion is currently where platform features only supported in the new IR are parsed; there is unfortunately no saner place to do this.

If you’re not already familier with the old IR and you’re not here to work on or upgrade legacy code, it’s probably best to ignore the existence of the old IR as much as possible. If you nevertheless need to learn more about the old IR, you can:

  • try to make sense of the classes and functions in ql::ir::compat;

  • try to make sense of the “old pages” section in these docs, if it still exists when you’re reading this; or

  • read the documentation of an older version of OpenQL (prior to PR #405, so commit 7f2e2bb or earlier).

For the rest of this section, we’ll ignore the existence of the old IR and its conversions to and from the new IR.

The new IR

Describing a tree structure in C++ requires a lot of boilerplate code and repetition. To avoid some of this, the C++ classes for the IR are generated using tree-gen. This tool was developed specifically for OpenQL and libqasm, but doesn’t depend on OpenQL (or libqasm) in any way, so it is written and documented in a generic way. This also means that its quirks are out of scope for this documentation; nevertheless, it is vital that you understand how tree-gen tree structures conceptually work before trying to understand OpenQL’s IR structure. To prevent you from having to jump back and forth too much, here are a few things that might not be immediately apparent.

  • The tree definition file format was a bit rushed, and in part because of that its structure might be unintuitive when you’re not used to it yet. Most importantly, the {}-based structure of the tree definition file does not correspond to the tree structure being described, but rather to the class inheritance tree of the nodes that can be used within the described tree. Also, while the node names are written in lower_case in the tree description file, they are converted to TitleCase for the C++ class names (this is simply because tree-gen needs both forms, and it’s easier to convert from lower_case to TitleCase than the other way around).

  • There is no well-defined root node in a tree-gen tree, and (somewhat equivalently) tree-gen nodes do not know who their parent is. For this reason, most functions operating on OpenQL’s IR take the root node of the IR (ql::ir::Root, or more typically ql::ir::Ref, which typedefs to ql::utils::One<ql::ir::Root>) as their first argument. This also means that a node can be reused in multiple trees. But be careful: nodes are almost always stored and passed by means of (ultimately) a std::shared_ptr<> reference with mutable content, so if a node ends up being shared, changing it in one tree will also effectively change it in the other tree. You can use the generated copy() and clone() methods to respectively make a shallow or deep copy of a node if need be.

  • Besides the usual DAG edges in a tree graph, tree-gen trees support so-called “link” edges as well. A tree node can have any number of links pointing to it from anywhere else in the tree, even if this forms a loop. Links are useful to for example implement a variable reference node, or to refer to a data type node within the referenced variable definition node. This avoids having to keep track of unique names everywhere, and avoids a map lookup. Essentially, the “name” of a linked node is the pointer to its data structure. The tree consistency check ensures that a node is only used once in a tree, thus ensuring uniqueness of its pointer (and preventing a lot of other mayhem due to accidental reference reuse). It also ensures that all links in a tree actually link to nodes that are reachable from the root node via non-link edges: this is the primary reason why the platform description has to be part of the IR tree.

  • There are six “edge types” for connecting nodes together: Maybe, One, Any, Many, OptLink, and Link. These correspond to zero or one edge, exactly one edge, zero or more edges, one or more edges, zero or one link, and exactly one link. Note however that it’s actually possible for One, Link, and Many to represent zero edges; doing that would merely make the tree consistency check fail. This is useful while building a tree or operating on it.

  • Tree nodes, or anything else that implements the Annotatable type defined by tree-gen’s support library (ql::utils::tree in OpenQL), can be “annotated” with zero or one of literally any C++ type. You can think of them like a fancy, type-safe void* field in every node. This allows passes to attach information to nodes temporarily, allows storage of metadata that doesn’t really belong in the tree explicitly, and so on. Keep in mind, however, that annotations are stored by reference, and cannot be copied unless you already know which annotation types exist (just like a void*). Also, annotations are not copied by the copy() and clone() methods; if you intend to copy annotation references you must use copy_annotations() in addition to copying/cloning the node, and if you really need to copy an annotation by value you must use copy_annotation<AnnotationType>().

With tree-gen-specific stuff out of the way, the IR definition itself should be rather straight-forward based on its tree definition file. So, instead of duplicating documentation in a way that will inevitably desync with the implementation, here’s the contents of that file (src/ql/ir/ir.tree).

# Implementation for the IR tree node classes.

# Header file for the IR tree node classes.
header "ql/ir/ir.gen.h"

// Include tree base classes.
include "ql/utils/tree.h"
tree_namespace utils::tree::base

// Use the tree support library customized for OpenQL (using utils types where
// applicable).
support_namespace utils::tree

// Include primitive types.
include "ql/ir/prim.h"

// Initialization function to use to construct default values for the tree base
// classes and primitives.
initialize_function prim::initialize
serdes_functions prim::serialize prim::deserialize

// Include SourceLocation annotation object for the debug dump generator.
//src_include "cqasm-parse-helper.hpp"
//location cqasm::parser::SourceLocation

# Namespace for the IR tree node classes.
namespace ql
namespace ir

# Root node for the IR.
root {

    # Root node for the description of the target.
    platform: One<platform>;

    # Root node for the description of the algorithm.
    program: Maybe<program>;


# Root node for the description of the target.
platform {

    # User-given name for the platform. No constraints on syntax. May also be
    # empty.
    name: prim::Str;

    # Vector of data types, ordered by name so lookup can be done with log(N)
    # complexity. This represents a list of all data types usable by the
    # algorithm, such as qubits, integers, etc.
    data_types: Many<data_type>;

    # Vector of instruction types, ordered by name so lookup can be done with
    # log(N) complexity. This represents the instruction set as usable by the
    # algorithm at any time during the compilation process (i.e., it also
    # includes non-primitive instructions that may need to be decomposed at
    # some point!).
    instructions: Any<instruction_type>;

    # Vector of (builtin) function types, ordered by name so lookup can be done
    # with log(N) complexity. Functions are the active elements of expression
    # trees. They may at some point be mapped to instructions.
    functions: Any<function_type>;

    # Vector of all physical objects (a.k.a. registers) available in the
    # platform, ordered by name so lookup can be done with log(N) complexity.
    objects: Many<physical_object>;

    # The main qubit register that the generic mapper will map everything to
    # and that topology applies to. The data type must be a vector of qubits.
    # This also indirectly defines the main qubit type.
    qubits: Link<physical_object>;

    # If qubits have an implicit bit associated with them, this must be set to
    # the corresponding bit type. If it doesn't, this should be empty.
    implicit_bit_type: OptLink<data_type>;

    # The bit-like data type used for default-generated instruction and loop
    # conditions.
    default_bit_type: Link<data_type>;

    # The int-like data type used for default-generated indices.
    default_int_type: Link<data_type>;

    # Topology/connectivity information for the main qubit register.
    topology: prim::Topology;

    # Control architecture information structure.
    architecture: prim::Architecture;

    # Resource manager for scheduling.
    resources: prim::ResourceManager;

    # Raw platform configuration JSON data for anything not specified in this
    # record.
    data: prim::Json;


# Representation of a data type usable by the algorithm represented by the IR.
# Semantical information may be added using annotations.
data_type {

    # Unique identifier for the data type. Must match `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`.
    name: prim::Str;

    # A data type that behaves like a qubit.
    qubit_type {}

    # A data type that represents classical information.
    classical_type {

        # A data type that behaves like a boolean/bit.
        bit_type {}

        # A data type that behaves like a two's-complement integer.
        int_type {

            # Whether the data type is signed.
            is_signed: prim::Bool;

            # Number of bits used to represent the type. Must be at most 64 for
            # signed or at most 63 for unsigned, otherwise literals cannot be
            # properly represented in cQASM.
            bits: prim::UInt;

            reorder(name, is_signed, bits);

        # Type of a real number (IEEE double).
        real_type {}

        # Type of a complex number (2x IEEE double).
        complex_type {}

        # Type of a matrix. Matrices are currently special-cased to keep the
        # type system no more complex than cQASM 1.x's and be able to represent
        # gate matrices, but these should ultimately be replaced by dedicated
        # array types if/when these would be added.
        matrix_type {

            # Number of rows. Must be nonzero.
            num_rows: prim::UInt;

            # Number of columns. Must be nonzero.
            num_cols: prim::UInt;

            # A real-valued matrix.
            real_matrix_type {
                reorder(name, num_rows, num_cols);

            # A complex-valued matrix.
            complex_matrix_type {
                reorder(name, num_rows, num_cols);


        # Type of an arbitrary string.
        string_type {}

        # Type of a JSON string.
        json_type {}



# Representation of an instruction type usable by the algorithm represented by
# the IR. Semantical information may be added using annotations.
instruction_type {

    # Identifier for the instruction. This only needs to be unique in
    # combination with the operand types. Must match `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`.
    name: prim::Str;

    # Identifier for the instruction as used in cQASM. Normally this is the same
    # as name; the override exists because historically different conventions
    # have been used for cQASM and OpenQL. Must match `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`.
    cqasm_name: prim::Str;

    # The types of all the non-template operands that the instance of this
    # instruction must have.
    operand_types: Any<operand_type>;

    # Specializations for this instruction. Specializations allow different
    # semantics (such as different durations) to be attached to instructions,
    # based on one or more of its operands. Each specialization in this list
    # must have:
    #  - the same name and cqasm_name;
    #  - the first element of operand_types removed;
    #  - an additional element at the end of template_operands;
    #  - the type of said element must match the removed operand_type element;
    #  - generalization must link back to this node.
    # The remaining fields may be specialized.
    specializations: Any<instruction_type>;

    # Link to the generalization of this instruction, if any; this must be set
    # iff template_operands is nonempty. The generalization must have a link to
    # this node in its specialization list.
    generalization: OptLink<instruction_type>;

    # The values of any template operands for this specialization of this
    # instruction.
    template_operands: Any<expression>;

    # Decomposition rules for this instruction type. Multiple of these may be
    # defined: it is up to the decomposition pass to choose the decomposition
    # used (if any) based on the name or on some other heuristic.
    decompositions: Any<instruction_decomposition>;

    # The duration of this instruction in quantum cycles. Note that this may be
    # zero, as classical instructions don't usually pass any time in the quantum
    # time domain.
    duration: prim::UInt;

    # When set, the instruction acts as a barrier with respect to the data flow
    # graph, so it cannot commute with anything, regardless of what the operands
    # are. This is useful to represent operations like "measure all qubits" or
    # (for simulation) "print the current state of the program".
    barrier: prim::Bool;

    # Raw platform configuration JSON data for anything not specified in this
    # record.
    data: prim::Json;


# A decomposition rule for an instruction.
instruction_decomposition {

    # Name for this decomposition rule. May be used by decomposition logic to
    # determine which decomposition rule to apply. No constraints on syntax.
    name: prim::Str;

    # Objects used to represent the instruction parameters.
    parameters: Any<temporary_object>;

    # Any temporary variables as needed within the decomposition rule.
    objects: Any<virtual_object>;

    # The block of instructions that the decomposition rule expands to.
    expansion: Any<statement>;

    # Raw platform configuration JSON data for anything not specified in this
    # record.
    data: prim::Json;


# Representation of a (builtin) function type usable by the algorithm
# represented by the IR within expressions. All functions must be free of side
# effects. Semantical information may be added using annotations.
function_type {

    # Identifier for the function. This only needs to be unique in combination
    # with the operand types. Must match `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*` or be a
    # recognized operator name (such as `operator+`, so just like C++).
    name: prim::Str;

    # The types of the operands that instances of this function must have. All
    # operands must have read or literal access mode.
    operand_types: Any<operand_type>;

    # The type returned by the function.
    return_type: Link<data_type>;

    # The decomposition rule used for converting this function to instructions.
    # If not set, the function either needs to be primitive for the target, or
    # the decomposition must be done by a target-specific pass. During
    # decomposition, a temporary object will always be generated for storing
    # the return value.
    decomposition: Maybe<function_decomposition>;

    # Raw platform configuration JSON data for anything not specified in this
    # record.
    data: prim::Json;


# A decomposition rule for a function.
function_decomposition {

    # The type of instruction that this function decomposes to. The prototype of
    # this instruction must exactly match the prototype of the function, after
    # inclusion of the return operand (if dedicated). Also, any operand with
    # mode 'W' in the function must have mode 'W' in the instruction. The return
    # value location must also be mode 'W' if it maps to an operand.
    instruction_type: Link<instruction_type>;

    # The manner in which the return value of the function is mapped to the
    # instruction operand list.
    return_location: One<return_location>;


# The manner in which the return value of the function is mapped to the
# instruction operand list.
return_location {

    # Indicates that the return value of the associated function is not stored
    # in an operand, but rather in a special physical register. The
    # decomposition will have the following form:
    #  - barrier <object>
    #  - <insn> [template-operands] <operands>
    #  - barrier <object>
    #  - set <retval> = <object>
    return_in_fixed_object {

        # The physical object/register in which the return value will be stored.
        object: Link<physical_object>;


    # Indicates that the return value of the associated function will be stored
    # in a register indicated by a dedicated output operand. The
    # decomposition will have the following form:
    #  - <retval> [template-operands] <operands-0..idx-1> <temp> <operands-idx..end>
    return_in_dedicated_operand {

        # The index of the return operand in the instruction non-template
        # operand list.
        index: prim::UInt;


    # Indicates that the return value of the associated function will be stored
    # in a register indicated by a shared (read-write) operand. The
    # decomposition will have the following form:
    #  - set <temp> = <operand-idx>
    #  - <retval> [template-operands] <operands-0..idx-1> <temp> <operands-idx+1..end>
    return_in_shared_operand {

        # The index of the return operand in the instruction non-template
        # operand list.
        index: prim::UInt;



# A data storage location.
object {

    # Identifier for the object. Must match `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*` or be
    # left unspecified (empty). Names for toplevel physical objects must be
    # specified and unique; only virtual objects and the implicit bit
    # register object may be anonymous. The names of virtual objects need
    # not be unique.
    name: prim::Str;

    # The elemental data type of this object.
    data_type: Link<data_type>;

    # The shape of this object. Empty means scalar, a single element means
    # vector of the given size, two elements means a matrix, and so on.
    shape: prim::UIntVec;

    # A virtual object, i.e. an object that still needs to be mapped to a
    # physical object. These are declared in the program part of the tree.
    virtual_object {

        # A variable declared by the user.
        variable_object {}

        # A temporary object, for example needed as part of a decomposition.
        # These are typically anonymous (i.e. have no specified name).
        temporary_object {}


    # A physical object, i.e. a storage location or qubit that actually exists
    # in the target. These are declared in the platform part of the tree.
    physical_object {}


# The type of a function or instruction operand, including access mode for
# commutative data dependency graph construction.
operand_type {

    # Access mode for the operand.
    mode: prim::OperandMode;

    # The data type of the operand.
    data_type: Link<data_type>;


# Root node for the algorithm itself.
program {

    # User-given name for the program. No constraints on syntax. May also be
    # empty.
    name: prim::Str;

    # Possibly-uniquified program name in the context of multiple compilations
    # of the same program within some context.
    # TODO: this shouldn't be here.
    unique_name: prim::Str;

    # List of virtual objects (variables and temporary storage locations) in use
    # by the program.
    objects: Any<virtual_object>;

    # The list of blocks that constitute the program.
    blocks: Many<block>;

    # The block that serves as the entry point to the program. Must point into
    # an entry of blocks.
    entry_point: Link<block>;


# Base type for sub-blocks and toplevel (named) blocks.
block_base {

    # The list of statements that constitute the body of the block. The cycle
    # numbers of any contained instructions must be non-decreasing.
    statements: Any<statement>;

    # A sub-block of statements, used within structured control-flow statements.
    sub_block {}

    # A block of statements within the program. Depending on the stage of
    # compilation, this may represent a *basic* block. A basic block has the
    # following rules attached:
    #  - all statements must be instructions; and
    #  - no non-goto instructions may follow any goto instruction.
    # Before this stage, there are no requirements.
    block {

        # Optional name of this block. Must match `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*` and be
        # unique if specified (non-empty).
        name: prim::Str;

        # Link to the block that will be processed after this block. If empty, the
        # algorithm terminates at the end.
        next: OptLink<block>;



# A statement. This can take the form of an instruction or a special structured
# control-flow statement.
statement {

    # The quantum cycle in which this instruction is scheduled, with respect
    # to the start of the block it is contained in. Note that the order of
    # statements scheduled within the same quantum cycle is still
    # considered to be relevant: all side effects of a particular
    # statement always run before the side effects of the next statement
    # even start, regardless of cycle number and duration. This means that
    # even if `set a = b` and `set b = a` are scheduled in the same cycle,
    # this does NOT swap the values of `a` and `b`. This also means that a
    # program with all statements scheduled in cycle 0 is semantically
    # valid (though not likely to be executable as such, of course), so a
    # program that has not yet been scheduled can be represented with any
    # non-decreasing cycle assignment.
    cycle: prim::Int;

    # A regular instruction instance. May be quantum, classical, or mixed in
    # nature.
    instruction {

        # A conditional instruction instance.
        conditional_instruction {

            # The condition expression. This will usually be literal true, to
            # indicate that the instruction is actually unconditional. The
            # actual data type depends on the target, but should behave like a
            # boolean.
            condition: One<expression>;

            # A custom instruction defined within the target platform by means
            # of an instruction type.
            custom_instruction {

                # The instruction type that this is an instance of.
                instruction_type: Link<instruction_type>;

                # The operands for this instruction instance. The types of the
                # expressions must match the operand types listed in the
                # instruction type.
                operands: Any<expression>;


            # A classical assignment instruction. This simply assigns a value
            # to a target object.
            set_instruction {

                # A reference to the object being assigned.
                lhs: One<reference>;

                # The value that the object is being assigned to. The type of
                # the expression must match the type of the left-hand side
                # exactly (i.e., typecasts of any kind must be made explicit
                # by means of a typecast expression).
                rhs: One<expression>;


            # A goto instruction. Jumps to the start of the target block when
            # executed and the condition evaluates to true.
            goto_instruction {

                # Link to the target block.
                target: Link<block>;



        # A (quantum) wait instruction. Also known as a (quantum) barrier when
        # the duration is zero.
        wait_instruction {

            # The objects that are to be waited on. If empty, the wait
            # instruction must effectively wait for *all* objects in the program
            # (or, equivalently, it must wait for all preceding instructions to
            # complete, and all subsequent instructions must start after it).
            # Also known as a "full barrier" for lack of a better term.
            objects: Any<reference>;

            # The amount of quantum cycles that must be waited in addition after
            # all objects are ready.
            duration: prim::UInt;



    # Structured control-flow statements.
    structured {

        # An if-else chain.
        if_else {

            # The if-else branches.
            branches: Many<if_else_branch>;

            # The final else block, if any.
            otherwise: Maybe<sub_block>;


        # A loop.
        loop {

            # The loop body.
            body: One<sub_block>;

            # A loop with a statically-known range of integers being iterated
            # over. Note that while the iteration count has an upper limit,
            # namely abs(from - to + 1), break and continue statements are
            # allowed.
            static_loop {

                # Reference to the variable used for looping.
                lhs: One<reference>;

                # The first value.
                frm: One<int_literal>;

                # The last value.
                to: One<int_literal>;


            # A dynamic loop, of which the iteration count depends on a
            # condition.
            dynamic_loop {

                # The condition for starting another iteration.
                condition: One<expression>;

                # A C-style for loop. Note that a while loop is a special case
                # of this, specifically one with no initialize/update
                # expression. The condition is evaluated before each iteration,
                # and iteration stops when it yields false.
                for_loop {

                    # The optional initializing assignment, run before the loop
                    # starts.
                    initialize: Maybe<set_instruction>;

                    # The updating assignment, done at the end of the loop body
                    # and upon continue.
                    update: Maybe<set_instruction>;


                # A repeat-until loop. The condition is evaluated at the end of
                # each iteration, and iteration stops when it yields true.
                repeat_until_loop {}



        # A loop control statement, i.e. break or continue.
        loop_control_statement {

            # A break statement.
            break_statement {}

            # A continue statement.
            continue_statement {}



    # A dummy statement that doesn't produce any code. Used within the data
    # dependency graph for the source and sink nodes.
    sentinel_statement {}


# A single condition + block for use in an if-else chain.
if_else_branch {

    # The condition.
    condition: One<expression>;

    # The body.
    body: One<sub_block>;


# An expression. Expressions are used wherever operands are needed, and can be
# either a literal (i.e. the value is known at compile-time), a reference (i.e.
# the value is not known, but the storage location is), or a call to a builtin
# function. The latter has itself zero or more operands, so arbitrarily-deep
# expression trees can be described.
expression {

    # A literal expression, i.e. one of which the value is known at
    # compile-time.
    literal {

        # Link to the data type represented by this literal.
        data_type: Link<data_type>;

        # A bit/boolean literal. Either 1/true or 0/false.
        bit_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::Bool;


        # An integer literal.
        int_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::Int;


        # A real floating-point literal.
        real_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::Real;


        # A complex floating-point literal.
        complex_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::Complex;


        # A real-valued matrix.
        real_matrix_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::RMatrix;


        # A complex-valued matrix.
        complex_matrix_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::CMatrix;


        # A string literal.
        string_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::Str;


        # A JSON literal.
        json_literal {

            # The value of the literal.
            value: prim::Json;



    # A reference to an object.
    # Besides appearing in the IR, these references are also used to represent
    # data dependencies. In that context, it is also legal to make a reference
    # that does not refer to any object. This is referred to as a null
    # reference. These null references are implicitly "read" by all normal
    # statements, and implicitly "written" by statements of which the order
    # must be preserved, being full barriers (wait/barrier instructions with an
    # empty object list) and control-flow instructions.
    reference {

        # Link to the target object.
        target: Link<object>;

        # The data type that the object is accessed as. In almost all cases,
        # this must be equal to target->data_type. The only exception currently
        # allowed is accessing a qubit type as a bit. This yields the implicit
        # classical bit associated with the qubit in targets which use this
        # paradigm.
        data_type: Link<data_type>;

        # The indices by which the object is indexed. The indices must be
        # integer-like. Depending on context, they may need to be literals.
        # Except within wait instructions, the amount of indices must exactly
        # match the dimensionality of the target object; partial indexation is
        # not supported because the type system doesn't support it. References
        # within wait instructions may have less indices than the dimensionality
        # of the target object.
        indices: Any<expression>;


    # A call to a custom function defined by the target.
    function_call {

        # Link to the function type as defined in the platform.
        function_type: Link<function_type>;

        # The operands for the function. The types of these expressions must
        # match the operand types in the associated function type.
        operands: Any<expression>;

