
OpenQL is supported on Linux, Windows and OSX. OpenQL can be installed on these platforms as a pre-built package as well as can be compiled from sources.

  • Pre-built package
    • python package using pip
    • conda package
  • Compilation from sources
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • OSx

Installing the pre-built package

Pre-built packages are available for OpenQL.

Pre-built Wheels

This is perhaps the easiest way to get OpenQL running on your machine.

Pre-built OpenQL wheels are available for 64-bit Windows, Linux and OSX. These wheels are available for Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7. OpenQL can be installed by the command:

pip install qutechopenql


python refers to Python 3 and pip refers to Pip 3, corresponding to Python version 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7.

Conda package

OpenQL can be installed as a conda package (currently on Linux and Windows only) by:

conda install -c qe-lab openql

Conda packages can also be built locally by using the recipe available in the conda-recipe directory, by running the following command from the OpenQL directory:

conda build conda-recipe/.

The generated package can then be installed by:

conda install openql --use-local

Compilation from sources

Compiling OpenQL from sources involves:

  • Setting-up required packages
  • Obtaining OpenQL

Required Packages

The following packages are required to compile OpenQL from sources:

  • g++ compiler with C++11 support (Linux)
  • MSVC 2015 with update 3 or above (Windows)
  • flex (> 2.6)
  • bison (> 3.0)
  • cmake (>= 3.0)
  • swig (Linux: 3.0.12, Windows: 4.0.0)
  • Python (3.5, 3.6, 3.7)
  • [Optional] pytest used for running tests
  • [Optional] Graphviz Dot utility to convert graphs from dot to pdf, png etc
  • [Optional] XDot to visualize generated graphs in dot format

Notes for Windows Users

Dependencies can be installed with:

Make sure the above mentioned binaries are added to the system path.

  • Use Power Shell for installation
  • Set execution policy by:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install-Module -AllowClobber -Name Pscx -RequiredVersion 3.2.2
  • MSVC 2015 should be added to the path by using the following command:
Invoke-BatchFile "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
  • but when you installed Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition do:
Invoke-BatchFile "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
  • To make your life easier, you can add this command to the profile you are using for power shell, avoiding the need to manually run this command every time you open a power shell. You can see the path of this profile by echo $PROFILE. Create/Edit this file to add the above command.
  • Python.exe, win_flex.exe, win_bison.exe and swig.exe should be in the path of power shell. To test if swig.exe is the path, run:
Get-Command swig
  • To show the currently defined environment variables do:
Gci env:
  • Make sure the following variables are defined:

    • PYTHON_INCLUDE (should point to the directory containing Python.h)
    • PYTHON_LIB (should point to the python library pythonXX.lib, where XX is for the python version number)
  • To set an environment variable in an expression use this syntax:

$env:EnvVariableName = "new-value"

Obtaining OpenQL

OpenQL sources for each release can be downloaded from github releases as .zip or .tar.gz archive. OpenQL can also be cloned by:

git clone

Compiling OpenQL as Python Package

Running the following command in the python (virtual) environment in Terminal/Power Shell should install the openql package:

cd OpenQL
git submodule update --init --recursive
python install

Or in editable mode by the command:

pip install  -e .[develop]

Running the tests

In order to pass all the python tests, the openql package should be installed in editable mode. Also, qisa-as and libqasm should be installed first. Follow qisa-as and libqasm instructions to install python interfaces of these modules. Once qisa-as and libqasm are installed, you can run all the tests by:

pytest -v


python -m pytest

Compiling C++ OpenQL tests and programs

Existing tests and programs can be compiled by the following instructions. You can use any existing example as a starting point for your own programs, but refer to examples/cpp-standalone-example for the build system.

The tests are run with the tests directory as the working directory, so they can find their JSON files. The results end up in tests/test_output.


Existing tests and examples can be compiled and run using the following commands:

mkdir cbuild
cd cbuild
cmake .. -DOPENQL_BUILD_TESTS=ON    # configure the build
make                                # actually build OpenQL and the tests
make test                           # run the tests


Existing tests and examples can be compiled and run using the following commands:

mkdir cbuild
cd cbuild
cmake .. -DOPENQL_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF # configure the build
cmake --build .                     # actually build OpenQL and the tests
cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS  # run the tests


-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF is needed on Windows only because the executables can’t find the OpenQL DLL in the build tree that MSVC generates, and static linking works around that. It works just fine when you manually place the DLL in the same directory as the test executables though, so this is just a limitation of the current build system for the tests.