C++ coding conventions

In order to maintain the code homogeneous and consistent, all contibutors are invited to follow this coding convention.

NOTE: at the time of writing, not all of OpenQL has been converted to this code style completely yet.

In general, consistency is considered to be more important than any of these rules. If a significant piece of code violates a rule consistently, either change the entire piece of code to conform, or make your changes in the same style as the original code.

File and directory organization

C++ header files should be named .h. Header files private to OpenQL go in the src directory, preferably in a detail subdirectory. Header files that a user needs to access as well (the vast majority) go in include.

All definitions must go into source files; header files should only declare things. Therefore, almost all header files need a corresponding source file. This file must have the same name and path relative to the src/include directory as the corresponding header file.

All filenames are lowercase, separated by _ when composed of multiple words.

The filename and directory structure (loosely) follows the namespace structure of OpenQL and vice versa. When a namespace is only comprised of only a single file, the filename will be the name of the namespace, and the directory it’s placed in is the name of the parent namespace (and so on). When a namespace consists of multiple files, the entire namespace path is represented as directories, and the contained files should be named after the (main) class (in lower_case) or functionality that they provide.

Subdirectories in src/ql may include a tests directory. Any *.cc file in such a directory is automatically interpreted as a unit test file by the build system. Note however that when you add or remove a test, you must manually regenerate the CMake project. A unit test simply consists of a C++ program with a main(), that must return zero on success or nonzero on failure. Unit tests are run using the toplevel tests directory as the working directory.

Naming conventions

To be consistent with especially Python (since we share an API between it and C++):

  • class and type names are written in TitleCase.

  • variables, fields, and namespaces (compare to modules) are written in snake_case.

  • constants and macros are written in UPPER_CASE.

This is already the standard in most popular languages (aside from some deciding to use mixedCase in places). C++ is the only serious language that remains that maintains sort of its own style, but it’s also the one largest amount of conflicting styles. Therefore, it makes more sense to just stick to Python. The only annoying conflict is that the standard library types are lowercase.

When naming things, try to be explicit and precise, but only within the context of the current namespace. For example, if you have a class representing a red apple, and you place it in namespace apple, call the class Red instead of RedApple. This saves you typing within the apple namespace, doesn’t cost someone outside your namespace much extra typing for occasional apple usage (apple::Red isn’t much longer than RedApple after all), and someone using lots of apples within some scope can just do using namespace apple locally to save more typing.

When you use polymorphism for a group of objects, the base class is typically called Base. Continuing with the apple example, the apple namespace may have a class Base declared in base.h, Red : public Base in red.h, and Green : public Base in green.h. Using Base instead of Apple avoids annoying constructions like apple::Apple.

Avoid abbreviations of “words” within a name, except maybe for very local variables like loop iterators. A little typing overhead while writing the code saves a lot of overhead when someone else later has to read and understand your code. However, typedefs (using the using keyword, C-style typedefs are comparatively hard to read) are encouraged, to remove parts of names or namespace paths that are obvious within context.


Since OpenQL may be used as a C++ library, it’s common courtesy not to pollute the global namespace with stuff. Imagine, for instance, if OpenQL would define the type Bit to represent a classical bit in the global namespace, and someone using the library from C++ also includes a bit manipulation library that happens to also define Bit; this would be a naming conflict that’s impossible to resolve for the user. Therefore, everything defined by OpenQL should be within the ql namespace, and all preprocessor macros (which can’t be namespaced) should start with QL_.

Furthermore, nothing except the main C++-style openql header in include should define anything directly in ql. This namespace is reserved for the API layer that the user is expected to access, and must thus remain as consistent from version to version as possible. The main header currently does a using namespace api to pull the contents of ql::api into ql, but if internal changes are made to OpenQL again later, this translation may become more complex.

OpenQL has a well-defined namespace tree used to structure its components and keep things disjoint. Roughly speaking, the namespaces serve as library for dependent namespaces, although some dependency cycles still remain at this abstraction level. The ql subnamespaces, roughly ordered by dependencies, are:

  • utils: extensions to (standard) libraries, wrappers, etc. not specific to OpenQL or compilers in any way.

  • plat: the platform tree. Contains most of the data structures needed to describe a quantum platform. This should be light on actual functionality, such that it might be generated by tree-gen at some point.

  • ir: intermediate representation. Contains most of the data structures needed to represent a quantum program as it’s being compiled. This should be light on actual functionality, such that it might be generated by tree-gen at some point.

  • com: common operations. This contains all OpenQL/compiler-specific code operating on the platform and IR trees that is reusable for various passes. For example DFG or CFG construction might live here.

  • pmgr: pass management. This contains all the logic that manages the compilation process.

  • pmgr::pass_types: defines the abstract base classes for the compiler passes.

  • pass: pass implementations. This contains a subtree of namespaces that eventually define the architecture-agnostic compiler passes of OpenQL. This tree should correspond exactly to the namespace paths in the path types as the pass factory knows them. The first namespace level is standardized as follows:

    • pre: passes that perform pre-processing of the platform tree. (NOTE: at the time of writing these don’t exist yet, and pass management isn’t quite ready for it yet due to issues with backward compatibility of the API)

    • io: I/O passes that load the IR from a file or save (parts of the IR) to a file without significant transformation. Mostly cQASM, but would also include conversion of the IR to different formats (OpenQASM? QuantumSim?).

    • ana: passes that leave the IR and platform as is (save for annotations), and only analyze the content of the platform/IR. For example statistics reporting, visualization, error checking, consistency checking for debugging, etc.

    • dec: passes that decompose code (instructions, gates, etc) to more primitive components or otherwise lower algorithm abstraction level. Should includes of course gate decomposition passes (once that functionality is pulled out of Kernel), but something like reduction of structured control flow to only labels and goto’s would also go here.

    • map passes that map qubits or classical storage elements to something closer to hardware. Right now that would be “the mapper,” but would also include a hypothetical pass that automatically applies some error correction code to the user-specified algorithm, mapping variables to classical registers and memory, reduction to single-static-assignment form, etc.

    • opt: optimization passes, i.e. passes that do not lower IR abstraction level, but instead transmute the IR to a “better” equivalent representation.

    • sch passes that shuffle instructions around and add timing information.

    • gen passes that internally convert the common IR into their own IR to reduce it further, to eventually generate architecture-specific assembly or machine code. These should only ever be part of arch.

    • misc: any passes that don’t fit in the above categories, for example a Python pass wrapper if we ever make one, which could logically be any kind of pass.

    • dnu: “Do Not Use:” code exists only for compatibility purposes, only works in very particular cases, is generally unfinished, or is so old that we’re not sure if it even works anymore. This receives special treatment in the pass factory: passes prefixed with dnu must be explicitly enabled in the compiler configuration file.

      • io..misc: the other categories reappear as namespaces within dnu.

  • rmgr: resource management. This contains the logic that functionally describes the scheduling resources of a platform, used to define for example instrument constraints.

  • pmgr::resource_types: defines the abstract base classes for the scheduling resources.

  • resource: defines the architecture-agnostic scheduling resources built into OpenQL.

  • resource::dnu: similar to pass::dnu, defunct or work-in-progress resources should be placed in here.

  • arch::<name>: the place for all architecture-specific stuff. Specifically, this may include com, pass, and resource sub-namespaces that provide architecture-specific additions or overrides for the respective ql subnamespaces.

  • api: this namespace contains all user-facing API wrappers.

Private functionality for a logical piece of code within OpenQL (usually a pass) should go into a subnamespace named detail. This namespace should only have files in src, and as such, the non-detail parts of the code should only refer to it from .cc files (so NOT from the include header files). This enforces sectioning off local implementation details from the rest of the OpenQL code, preventing excessive compilation time by keeping the (public) header files as lean as possible.

Within a local namespace, use whatever you want (using namespace etc) as you see fit, although more selective inclusions and abbreviations using namespace x = ... and using T = ... is preferred.

As for code style, please stick to the following.

// Namespaces do not receive indentation, because then everything would be
// indented. But the closing brace must be clearly marked as such (using the
// depicted style) to compensate.
namespace ql {

... // namespace contents are not indented...

} // namespace ql

// "using namespace" is allowed only in .cc files, private header files, or
// in local scopes. If you're working deep inside the namespace tree, it is
// sometimes useful to pull another namespace into it, which is fine, but
// it's preferred to include things selectively with `using x = y` or to
// abbreviate namespaces if needed using `namespace x = a::b::c`.

Header files and #include syntax

Some general rules for #include directive consistency.

  • Always use #include "ql/..." to refer to public header files of OpenQL. That is, use the "" syntax rather than the <> syntax, and use the full path from ql onward.

  • Usage of relative paths is allowed only to refer to private/detail header files.

  • The first directive in a .cc file must be inclusion of its respective header file. The next line should be blank. Any header files needed for the .cc file that are not needed for the corresponding .h file follow after this blank line.

  • Try to keep #include directives ordered as follows:

    • system header files (standard library, etc);

    • OpenQL’s dependencies from the deps folder (lemon, libqasm, etc); and

    • include OpenQL’s own headers in the same order that the namespaces are listed in the previous section.

Sometimes you may end up with an include dependency loop. For example, the platform structure includes a reference to an architecture structure, but the architecture-specific logic certainly makes use of the platform structure. The typical symptom is an error message that some type has not been declared yet, with a long include chain at the top. This can usually be bypassed by making a declarations.h file for the namespace for which forward references are needed. This header file should make forward declarations for the types defined in the namespace (just class X; etc.) and declare any pointer/reference typedefs needed for them. Note that the files that actually define the classes should always include this file as well, so the compiler will actually warn you when there are inconsistencies!

“Runtime” documentation and dump() functions

In order to aid the synchronization of the user-facing documentation and the internal codebase, and to make it easier for users to access the documentation, a good portion of the documentation is placed in the OpenQL codebase itself as strings. These strings can then be queried via the API by the user directly, or by the ReadTheDocs/Sphinx conf.py script to generate online documentation pages from them. Consistency is key for making this all work smoothly: inconsistensies are not only ugly when reading the documentation (say for instance that one person uses regular English interpunction while the other uses a more comment-like lack of interpunction and capitalization), but may also easily break the generators. After all, the output of these documentation functions is fed through some Python magic to Sphinx’ reStructuredText parser.

In order to make the documentation readable from within Python as well, indentation is used for sectioning, rather than RST section headers. This means that each documentation printing function needs to be aware of the current indentation level; simply returning a string is not enough. To solve this and a few other problems all functions that print documentation-like information to the user must have the following signature:

dump_*(std::ostream &os = std::cout, const utils::Str &line_prefix = "")

The following contract must be adhered to:

  • at least one line must be written to os;

  • all lines must start with line_prefix and end with "\n";

  • the <iomanip> stream state of os must not be mangled;

  • the stream should be flushed at the end (either via std::endl or an explicit call to flush()).

To open a subsection in the output stream (for a recursive call to a dump function, for instance):

  • there must be at least one blank line (or the start of the input) before the section header;

  • the section header must have the same indentation level as the parent (so whatever is in line_prefix);

  • the header must be exactly of the form <line_prefix>* <text> *\n; and

  • the body of the section must be indented by two additional spaces.

Do NOT use RST or markdown headers in the section bodies; use only indented sections as described above. Violating this rule or any of the other rules above will likely break the converter for the RTD pages.

The text inside the documentation strings is interpreted as markdown, converted to reStructuredText for Sphinx/ReadTheDocs via m2r2. Markdown is used rather than RST because it’s way more pleasing to read raw, for example when dumped from within an interactive Python interpreter. m2r2 passes most RST tags straight through however, so you still need to be careful not to accidentally put something that looks like RST in a docstring.

In addition m2r2‘s logic, the following conversions are made:

  • section headers are detected and converted to appropriate RST header levels;

  • section bodies are un-indented; and

  • NOTE: or WARNING: at the start of a markdown paragraph (blank line before and after) is converted to an RST .. note::/.. warning:: block. The first letter of the sentence (fragment) following the header is automatically capitalized, so it can be lowercase in the raw output while still being appropriately capitalized on ReadTheDocs.

To aid writing these long documentation strings inside C++, two functions are available in utils/str.h:

  • dump_str: useful for writing long dumpable strings by means of manually-wrapped raw strings. For example:

    utils::dump_str(os, line_prefix, R"(
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at
    lacus porttitor mi consectetur ultrices. Aenean malesuada tristique nisl,
    eu ultrices enim sodales eu. Cras sed nulla enim. Nunc pretium pretium
    tortor, ut cursus nulla commodo sit amet.

    dump_str ensures that the C++ indentation level is stripped from each line of the raw string, and that line_prefix is inserted before each line.

  • wrap_str: similar to the above, but assumes that the input is not wrapped yet. This is more useful for shorter pieces of text where you don’t want to be bothered by wrapping manually, or generated text where doing so consistently would otherwise be impossible. However, while the wrapper tries to be smart about maintaining indentation for multiple paragraphs in its input, it is not infallible. Hence, for long pieces of relatively complicated documentation code (that includes code blocks etc.) dump_str is more helpful.

Utility types and functions

The ql::utils namespace provides a bunch of typedefs and wrappers for C++ standard library stuff, modified to improve safety, reduce undefined behavior, simplify stuff where OpenQL doesn’t need the full expressive power of the standard library, improve consistency in terms of naming conventions, or just to reduce typing. In cc files there is sometimes a using namespace utils to reduce typing further, but never do this in header files! You should use types and functions from here as much as possible. Here are some important ones.

  • From utils/num.h:

    • Bool for booleans;

    • Byte for (unsigned) bytes;

    • UInt for unsigned integers (maps to 64-bit unsigned);

    • Int for signed integers (maps to 64-bit signed);

    • Real for real numbers (maps to double);

    • Complex for complex numbers;

    • MAX as an “undefined” value for Int or UInt;

    • PI for pi;

    • EU for Euler’s constant;

    • IM for the imaginary unit;

    • a bunch of common math subroutines from std are copied into utils, so you don’t need to type std::.

  • From utils/str.h:

    • Str for strings (maps to std::string);

    • StrStrm for string streams (maps to std::ostringstream);

    • to_string() for converting things to string (this uses the << stream operator, so it can be overloaded, and IS overloaded for the wrapped container types for instance);

    • parse_uint(), parse_int(), and parse_real() for parsing numbers (these throw better exceptions than the STL counterparts);

    • a couple additional string utility functions are defined here.

  • From utils/json.h:

    • Json for JSON values (from nlohmann::json);

    • load_json() for loading JSON files with better contextual errors and allowance for // comments.

  • From utils/pair.h:

    • Pair<A, B> for std::pair; includes stream << overload.

  • From utils/vec.h:

    • Vec<T> for a wrapper of std::vector<T> with additional safety.

  • From utils/list.h:

    • List<T> for a wrapper of std::list<T> with additional safety.

  • From utils/map.h:

    • Map<K, V> for a wrapper of std::map<K, V> with additional safety.

  • From utils/opt.h:

    • Opt<V> for a more-or-less equivalent of std::optional, implemented using a smart pointer. Primarily intended for places where you need to own a value but can’t construct it immediately (replacing the “virgin constructor” antipattern).

  • From utils/tree.h:

    • Maybe<T> for an optional tree node reference;

    • One<T> for a mandatory tree node reference;

    • Any<T> for zero or more tree node references;

    • Many<T> for one or more tree node references;

    • OptLink<T> for an optional link to a tree node elsewhere in a tree;

    • Link<T> for a mandatory link to a tree node elsewhere in a tree;

    • make<T>() for constructing tree nodes.

  • From utils/exception.h:

    • Exception for exceptions that are unlikely to be caught. This exception automatically adds contextual information, such as a stack trace.

  • From utils/logger.h:

    • macros for logging to stdout; these are preferred over streaming to std::cout directly.

  • From utils/filesystem.h:

    • OutFile for writing files (wraps std::ofstream with automatic error-checking, and also ensures directories are created recursively if the path to the file doesn’t exist yet);

    • InFile for reading files (wraps std::ifstream with automatic error-checking);

    • a couple additional FS utilities.


Use four spaces. NEVER tabs. Avoid trailing whitespace.


// A good normal comments consists of two slashes at the front of each line,
// followed by a single space, followed by English text in the form of a
// paragraph, preferably manually wrapped at column 80.

// Comment blocks of code like this.
another statement;

// The next block of code starts after an empty line. The first two statements
// that follow relate to this comment, the third does not.
statement one;
if (condition) {
    statement two;

statement three;

// In indented blocks, it works like this.

// Comment A
belongs to A;
belongs to A;
if (condition) {
    belongs to A;

    // Comment B
    belongs to B

belongs to A;

// Avoid comments at the end of a line. This almost always just becomes way too
// wide to read easily.

// Avoid /*...*/ for descriptive comments. You can use them to disable code,
// but #if 0 blocks are preferable because you can nest those.

// Functions, variables, classes, etc. should use javadoc-style comments.
// These comments may then be used by Doxygen and IDEs to extract
// documentation. You can use markdown and Doxygen @directives to make the docs
// prettier if you like. Attach the docstring to the *definition* of the object
// rather than its declaration in a header file; if you like, you can add
// regular // comments with a brief description of the function or whatever in
// the header file for people trying to understand the interface of your class
// or module from a birds' eye perspective.
 * Brief documentation.
 * Extended documentation automatically follows after the first sentence.
void some_function();

// When you want to section up your code, you can use breaks like this:


// Don't use "/*********" etc., as this may be confused with docstrings by some
// tools.

Macros and other preprocessor directives

// Regardless of code indentation, preprocessor directives are not indented by
// convention.
void test() {

// Feature flags are controlled by CMake through options passed to the user.
// Refer to the CMakeLists.txt files for more information; it should be fairly
// obvious.

// Feature switches such as the above must only ever be used in .cc files,
// never in headers. The feature flags may get out of sync otherwise (the flags
// may differ between when the OpenQL library was compiled and when the user is
// linking against it).

// Header file guards are done using
#pragma once
// rather than #ifndef etc. This avoids weird problems caused by copypaste
// mistakes, when the same preprocessor definition is used for multiple
// headers. Since OpenQL already requires C++11, you'll be hard-pressed finding
// a compiler that doesn't support that pragma but could compile OpenQL
// otherwise.

// Local header files use "" in their include directives. Only external
// libraries and the standard library uses <>.
#include <vector>
#include <lemon/...>
#include "openql.h"

If statements

// If statements look like this.
if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {

// Very short statements can go on the same line without braces, but only if
// there is no else block and it's easier to read than writing out the block.
// Typically this is only the case for if-break, if-return, or if-throw.
if (condition) break;

// Do NOT use Yoda conditions. It's harder to read, and unless everything is
// written that way it's inconsistent.

// When the condition becomes too long to be readable, indent as shown:
if (
    (x == "a")
    || (x == "b")
    || (x == "c")
) {

Switch statements

// Switch statements:
//  - Indent case labels.
//  - Explicitly mark fallthrough with a comment when intended.
//  - Use blocks only if needed (i.e. for variable declarations).
switch (condition) {
    case a:
    case b:
    case c: {
    case d:
        // fallthrough
    case e:


// Normal for loops:
//  - Declare the loop variable in the loop if it's a local thing.
//  - Use size_t for loops instead of int whenever you're using the loop
//    variable as index to avoid signed-unsigned comparison warnings.
//  - i++ is preferential over ++i unless you have a good reason to believe
//    the additional sequence point will actually cause harm. It's C++ after
//    all, not ++C.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Iterating:
//  - Use iterating loops whenever possible.
//  - Use const auto &x whenever possible. If you intend to mutate the
//    elements, drop the const; if you don't intend to mutate but get
//    errors, drop the const and &.
for (const auto &element : sequence) {

// While loops:
while (condition) {

// Do-while loops (if you need them...):
do {
} while (condition);

// ALWAYS open a block (this goes for all statements except exceptional
// if statements). In rare cases (when the loop is just annoying boilerplate)
// the block can go in a single line as follows:
for (auto &el : sequence) { el = 0; }


// Enumerations look like this:
 * Documentation for the complete enumeration.
enum class Enum {

     * Documentation for option A.

     * Documentation for option B.

     * Documentation for option C.


// Using the C++ "enum class" construct, you can use short names for your enum
// options, as they will be namespaced to the enum;


// Use "using" rather than "typedef". The syntax is just more clear.
using Hello = std::vector<int>*;

// instead of "typedef std::vector<int> *Hello"


// Class definitions are indented and whitespaced as follows:
class AClass {

// Classes in header files should not contain any function definitions,
// regardless of triviality (except when templated, then it can't be avoided).
// This keeps compilation times down, the lack of inlining makes stack traces
// less magical, and honestly, I doubt you'll notice the performance penalty of
// the lack of inlining in practice (and there's always LTO nowadays).

// Avoid "virgin constructors": the constructor of a class should also
// initialize that class. C++ utilizes the RAII principle (resource acquisition
// is initialization): if you have a class instance, you should be able to
// assume it has already been initialized and that you can use it. Virgin
// constructors combined with an init method nuke this principle, making it
// relatively easy to accidentally get undefined behavior by using an object
// before initializing it. If you're faced with spaghetti in the member
// initialization part of a constructor (the part between the : and the
// function body) because members don't have a virgin constructor, wrap them in
// utils::Opt or utils::Ptr and call emplace() on them instead of what would
// have been init(); this lets you do everything that you would be able to do
// with the virgin constructor method, but without breaking RAII and with
// runtime detection of use-before-init (since dereferencing an empty Opt or
// Ptr will throw an exception).

// Constructions where you think you need this should be avoided. If you really
// need it anyway, use ql::Opt<T> instead of T directly. You can then use
// emplace(...) to initialize the contained object of type T after the fact
// (or you can just assign it as you otherwise would), and access the fields
// and members of T using -> instead of . (so, as if it were a pointer). The
// practical upshot of this is that Opt will throw an exception your way if
// you try to access it while it's not initialized yet, whereas with the virgin
// constructor method OpenQL would just silently truck along to spit out
// garbage that may or may not look like what you were expecting.

// When using inheritance, the toplevel ancestor class must have a virtual
// destructor. If you don't have anything useful to put there, you can tell the
// compiler to make a default one. If you don't do this, class destruction
// won't work right, and you'll get undefined behavior. It is sufficient to
// only give the toplevel class such a virtual destructor; all descendents get
// virtual destructors automatically because of it.
virtual ~Cls() = default;

Variables and fields

// References and pointers belong to the name, not to the type:
int *ip;

// so, NOT "int* ip". This is objectively the "correct" way to write this, as
// this is how C++'s syntax tree works. When you write "int* a, b", the result
// will unfortunately be that a is of type int* and b is of type int; to make
// them both int* you need to write "int *a, *b". This is complete nonsense,
// but unfortunately what the C++ overlords decided to go with.

// Public fields are almost always a Bad Idea (TM). Whenever the outside world
// should probably not have write access to a field (variable in a class)
// because this would break things unless a large amount of care is taken, the
// field must be private or protected (depending on whether descendents are
// part of the "outside world" or not). When it makes sense, you can add
// getters (make sure these are const-correct) and/or setters (when
// applicable). Debugging is NOT a good reason to make things public; use
// getters!

// Shared global variables need to be declared as follows in a header file:
OPENQL_DECLSPEC extern int i;

// and as follows in the corresponding source file:
int i;

// OPENQL_DECLSPEC is defined in utils.h. If you don't do this, the OpenQL
// library will break on Windows.

Functions and methods

// Declaration in header file:

// A simple function.
int name(int a, int b = 2, const std::string &s = "hello");

// Implementation in source file:

 * A simple function.
 * All functions should be documented with javadoc-style comments like these.
int name(int a, int b = 2, const std::string &s) {

// If the parameter list becomes annoyingly long, indent as follows:
int name(
    int a,
    int b,
    int c,
    int d
) {

// Constructor lists either go on a single line along with all parameters:
int name(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) {

// or look like this:
int name(
    int a,
    int b
) :

// Template statements go on the line in front of the function. Templated
// functions belong in header files, unless you really know what you're
// doing (explicitly instantiated specializations, etc.).
template <class A>
int *name(int a, const std::string &s) {

// Methods (functions on a class) should be static if they don't use any
// fields,
class Cls {
    static void func();

void Cls::func() {

// or const if they only read fields:
class Cls {
    void func() const;

void Cls::func() const {

// If you're intending to override methods, the method in the ancestor class
// should be marked virtual:
class Cls {
    virtual void func();

void Cls::func() {

// and the overrides should be marked with override:
class Cls {
    void func() override;

void ClsImpl::func() {

// Note that static, virtual, and override don't appear in the implementation
// for some reason, and the position of the statements is arbitrary at best.
// This is just how C++ works, unfortunately.

// Pass nontrivial argument types (anything that's larger than a pointer) by
// const reference unless you have a good reason not to. That is, when passing
// some random string, it should be done like
void print(const std::string &str);

// If you really know what you're doing you can deviate (rvalue references,
// perfect forwarding, etc.), but this is the norm.

// Passing mutable references for the purpose of mutating them in the function
// is allowed, but MUST BE CLEARLY DOCUMENTED.
 * Mutate the given string to make it lowercase.
void to_lower(std::string &str);

// Passing by raw pointer is frowned upon, but still happens all over at the
// time of writing. At least be const-correct about it if you can.

Expressions and function calls

// Apply whitespace and interpunction rules as if you were writing English,
// except for the open-parenthesis that immediately follows a function name,
// where the space is omitted. For example, don't write something like
// "hello ( a+b , ( x+y )*z )", but write
hello(a + b, (x + y) * z);

// When expressions are too long to fit in a single line, preferably indent as
// follows if you have parentheses and a comma-separated list:
    a + b,
    (x + y) * z

// If you don't have anything like that, you might want to introduce
// parentheses and wrap as follows:
long_expression * (
    long_expression + long_expression
) * long_expression

// but in general, do whatever looks right (within context).